Updated Roadmap Q4

2 min readOct 6, 2021


As we enter the last quarter of this year we will give you an update on where we’re heading. Looking back at Q3, we performed better than our roadmap but we are still in the beginning of MIM.

This roadmap is not covering all aspects of MIM and should also not be seen as a definite plan to what will happen in the mimverse. There’s parts of MIM we cannot talk about due to NDA’s and work in progress and we also like to keep some surprises. We often iterate and move in directions that we feel there’s more possibilities. What we are trying to build is not existing at the moment and it therefore requires quick iterations and readjustments.

Roadmap for Q4

Member card NFT launch

We’ve developed a unique member card NFT for the MIM Swarm which will give you access to a member area and give you other benefits. The member cards will first be launched as an NFT.

Member area

Our member area is meant to give our members and supporters access to unique content. This content will start with being sample packs for music producers and expand to pre-sale access of merchandise, tutorials and more.

NFT sample pack release

We have several sample pack releases getting ready for our members. These packs will be available through our membership area and you can access them by holding MIM or MIM NFTs.

First Virtual Character

Launching our first virtual character. We will be launching our first virtual character which is meant to be community owned and developed. The character is currently in production by cg-artist and we will more details as we get closer to a release. The character will first be launched as an NFT.


We are currently working on getting our merchandise ready for sale. This will be high quality merchandise for MIM and will also be an NFT. The merchandise will be released in a custom store in drops from 50–300 pieces.

Website redesign

We will launch a new website that will be featuring contributions from the community.

Building the creator team for the first virtual artist

Selection process of the creator team for our first virtual artist has started. This will be our second character and first artist. A team will build up this artist and we aim to launch the beginning of this artist by the ned o this year. You will find instructions in the Discord on how to apply to become a part of this team.

MIM hopes you will follow our journey and join us on Discord, Twitter and Telegram.

