MIM Twitter Tool is live!

1 min readSep 17, 2021

We are pleased to announce a new twitter tool for the MIM Swarm. The tool will make it easier for our members and supporters to benefit from contributing to the MIM Swarm.

With each tweet, retweet or comment you will gain points if they contain hashtags #mimswarm #mimswarmers or include our twitter handle @mimswarm. We will run competitions related to our upcoming announcement and important swarm events.

Our first twitter competition will start this coming Monday, 20th of Sept. and will be related to the release of the MIM Swarmers. You will get extra points for using the hashtag #mimswarmers.

You can check your current score and other fellow Swarmer tweets here:

What we are looking for is quality tweets from our Swarmers, not bots, copy-paste comments or spam. Low quality comments (copy-paste) will be disregarded in the competition. Thoughtful comments and engagement with the active Solana community will be rewarded with extra prizes.

Keep swarming and let’s get together and spread the word about MIM.

Follow us on Telegram, Twitter or join our Discord for more MIM.

