MIM Swarmers NFT Launch

2 min readSep 20, 2021


We are happy to announce the launch of our MIM Swarmers NFTs. There will be 888 NFTs in total; 700 for general sale and 188 of which have been pre-minted and sent to our NFT treasury wallet, to be distributed amongst out community over time. The sale will start:

23rd of September at 14:00 GMT

Sale price: 2 SOL

The website for the minting process will be posted across our official channels on Discord, Twitter and Telegram. We will utilize Metaplex and Candy Machine so everyone can have a chance at getting their own Swarmer.

The MIM Swarmers have been generated using AI in various parts during the workflow. We have also spent quite some effort selecting and grading each of the MIM Swarmers so you can more easily determine the value of Swarmer. Our grading system (A,B,C) is in no way a final say about its value. The rating was done taking in account uniqueness, quality of background, texture on the swarmer, shape of the Swarmer and general composition.

A selection of MIM Swarmers

The Mimverse

MIM is much more than NFTs and we plan to continue to push the boundaries of what NFTs can be and how our token can be connected to them and our community. Follow our roadmap for more information on where we’re heading.

Join our Discord or Telegram and follow us on Twitter for more updates on the MIM Swarmers. You can find more information on MIM here.

